Գտեք Մատակարար

Գտեք Մատակարար

In order to search for a provider, use the drop-down menu and choose the county in which you reside. Upon doing so, you will be able to enter your address and find a provider who is contracted to deliver services in your county. You’ll also be able to see how many miles a provider is from your home address. You may seek services outside of your county of residence if that is your preference. Care Management staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week should you need assistance in locating a provider of behavioral health services. Not included in the directory are behavioral health services that are delivered in school locations. Our Care Management staff are available to coordinate services in school locations when appropriate. Use the following contact information if you are a Carelon of Pennsylvania Medicaid member or assisting a Carelon of Pennsylvania Medicaid member locate a behavioral health provider. Search tips are available by clicking on the question mark on the bottom left of the page.

Carelon of Pennsylvania Contact Information for Members (Medicaid)

Կոմսություն Հեռախոսահամար
Արմսթրոնգ 877-688-5969
Բիվեր 877-688-5970
Բաթլեր 877-688-5971
Քրոուֆորդ 866-404-4561
Ֆայեթ 877-688-5972
Ինդիանա 877-688-5969
Լոուրենս 877-688-5975
Մերսեր 866-404-4561
Վենանգո 866-404-4561
Վաշինգտոն 877-688-5976
Ուեսթմորլենդ 877-688-5977
PA փոխանցումավազք 711

