درخواست اطلاعات / پیشنهادات

Carelon Health of Pennsylvania , in partnership with its Primary Contractors regularly review the adequacy of its networks. As a result, opportunities to submit Requests for Information (RFIs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are listed below with instructions on how to apply. This page is frequently updated, check for back for opportunities often.

درخواست اطلاعات | درخواست های پیشنهادی


درخواست اطلاعات (RFI)


درخواست های پیشنهادی (RFP)

Southwest Six Behavioral Health (SW6) RFPs – If you are interested in applying for any RFP opportunities for Armstrong, Butler, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties as well as Regional opportunities, please follow the link below.

Northwest Three Behavioral Health Partnership (NW3) RFPs – If you are interested in applying for any RFP opportunities for Crawford, Mercer, and Venango Counties as well as Regional opportunities, please follow the link below.

مشارکت بهداشت رفتاری شمال غربی (شهرستانهای کرافورد ، مرسر و ونانگو)