Providers should submit claims consistent with national, state, and industry standards. To ensure adherence to these standards, Carelon relies on claims edits and investigative analysis process to identify claims that are not in accordance to national, state, and industry standards and therefore were paid in error. The claims edits and investigative analysis process includes, but is not limited to CMS’ National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI). Examples of claim edits can include, but are not limited to, the following:
- 定义不应一起报告的 HCPCS/CPT 代码对的过程到过程 (PTP) 编辑。
- 医学上不太可能的编辑 (MUE) 服务单元编辑。该组件为每个 HCPCS/CPT 代码定义了不太可能正确并因此需要医疗记录支持的服务单位数量。
- 错误编码索赔的其他编辑 - 正确编码的监管或护理级别要求,包括但不限于:
- 无效的程序和/或诊断代码
- 服务地点代码无效
- 代码的修饰符无效或不合适
- 支持医疗补助要求的州特定编辑
- 不支持程序的诊断代码
- 报告的附加代码没有主程序代码
- 基于医疗记录审查的文件不支持收费
- 对供应商和会员的涉嫌欺诈活动的索赔,需要额外审查和考虑
- 受制裁的提供商或许可证已被吊销或限制的提供商提供的服务
- 应用了不正确的费用表
- 重复声明错误
- 需要事先授权的服务没有存档授权
Providers should routinely review claims and payments in an effort to assure that they code correctly and have not received any overpayments. Carelon will notify provider of overpayments by Carelon, clients and/or government agencies, and/or their respective designees. Overpayment include but are not limited to:
- 错误支付的索赔
- 允许/支付的索赔大于账单
- 住院理赔费用等于允许金额
- 重复付款
- 为福利保险已终止或已终止的个人支付的款项
- 为超出适用福利限制的服务支付的费用
- 因当事人责任和/或利益协调而支付的金额超过到期金额
- 提交的索赔违反了国家和行业标准,例如 CMS 国家正确编码倡议 (NCCI)、程序到程序编辑 (PTP) 和医学上不太可能的编辑 (MUE)。