Servizi di rete attualmente aperti

If you are interested in becoming a provider, please review the currently open networks and initiate your inquiry via email Please include your name, provider name, the county/ies of interest and the best way of contacting you. Our team will prepare the needed material and respond promptly.

All providers must read and understand the Carelon Cultural Competency training: Umiltà e competenza culturale e Formazione sulle competenze culturali

Castoro | Fayette | Northwest Behavioral Health PartnershipSei contee del sud-ovest


Beaver County

  • Servizi psichiatrici ospedalieri - Adulti (dai 22 anni in su) in un'unità psichiatrica ospedaliera per cure acute (MA Provider Type 01, Specialty Codes 010 e 022)
  • Servizi psichiatrici ospedalieri-Adol / Child
  • Psichiatri
  • Psicologi
  • Individual Practitioners (Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist)
  • Assistente sociale clinico autorizzato
  • Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP)
  • Servizi di riabilitazione residenziale comunitaria (CRR) - Adol / Child
  • Servizi IBH - ABA
  • Servizi IBH - Individuale
  • Servizi IBH - Gruppo
  • Salute mentale parziale - Adol / Child
  • Neuropsicologi
  • Ricovero Psichiatrico Parziale - Adulto
  • Ricovero Parziale Psichiatrico - Bambino / Adolescente
  • Servizi di cura residenziale per bambini e adolescenti - Accreditati e non accreditati
  • Halfway House (ASAM: 3.1) Provider Type/Specialty 11/131
    *Network inclusion is contingent upon achieving substantial alignment with the ASAM alignment infrastructure review
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Withdrawal Management (ASAM 4WM) – Adults
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Withdrawal Management (ASAM 4WM)- Child/Adolescents
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Services (ASAM 4) – Adults
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Services (ASAM 4) – Child/Adolescents
  • Non-Hospital D&A Residential withdrawal Management – Adol/Child (ASAM: 3.7 WM) Provider Type/Specialty Code: 11/132
  • Non-Hospital D&A Residential Rehab – Adol/Child (ASAM: 3.5) Provider Type/Specialty Code: 11/133


Contea di Fayette

  • CRR - Bambini e adolescenti
  • Servizi psichiatrici ospedalieri - Adulti (dai 22 anni in su) in un'unità psichiatrica ospedaliera per cure acute (MA Provider Type 01, Specialty Codes 010 e 022)
  • Servizi psichiatrici ospedalieri - Adol / Child
  • Residential Treatment Services for Children & Adolescents (RTF accredited)
  • Servizi tra pari per giovani e giovani adulti (14 - 26 anni di età)
  • Ricovero psichiatrico parziale - Adulti e bambini (aperto solo per acuti parziali)
  • Psichiatri (comprensivi di qualsiasi extender, CRNP o PA, che esercitano sotto lo psichiatra)
  • CRNP
  • Professionisti individuali - Trattamento per molestatori sessuali
  • Professionisti individuali - Trattamento del trauma
  • Neuropsicologi
  • LCSWs, LPCs and LMFTs enrolled with Medicare
  • Servizi di supporto Clozapine
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Withdrawal Management (ASAM 4WM) – Adults
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Withdrawal Management (ASAM 4WM)- Child/Adolescents
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Services (ASAM 4) – Adults
  • Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Services (ASAM 4) – Child/Adolescents
  • Non-Hospital D&A Residential Withdrawal Management – Adol/Child (ASAM: 3.7 WM) Provider Type/Specialty Code: 11/132
  • Non-Hospital D&A Residential Rehab – Adol/Child (ASAM: 3.5) Provider Type/Specialty Code: 11/133


Northwest Behavioral Health Partnership

(Contee di Crawford, Mercer e Venango)


Sei contee del sud-ovest

(Contee di Armstrong, Butler, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington e Westmoreland)