COVID-19 / Providers (Archived)

COVID-19 재난 긴급 선언 기간 동안 사전 승인

COVID-19에 따른 대체 지급 방식

Carelon and our primary contractors continue to work with providers who qualified for COVID-19 alternative payment arrangements (APAs) to allow providers to restructure services in a way that maintains consistency of services for members during this emergency declaration. Along with OMHSAS and our partners, Carelon frequently assesses the situation and the emergency declaration guidelines. Carelon will continue to monitor providers’ financial needs and will notify qualified providers as appropriate and throughout the emergency declaration.

코로나 바이러스 (코로나 19)

Carelon is actively monitoring the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic along with all recommendations from the CDC and state and local public health officials. The safety of our members, providers and employees is our primary concern. As such we have taken measures to ensure business continuity during this time.

Carelon hosts regular meetings with all of our in-network providers to discuss issues as they emerge during the COVID 19 crisis. We will continue this and other gatherings as long as is necessary. We are looking to hear your experiences, needs, barriers, as well as sharing what our interventions and strategies are to support our providers and members during this time from Carelon and primary contractors. If you have not already received an invitation, please contact your Provider Field Coordinator and ask for the link to join the meeting. To ensure your email is a part of our distribution list for all electronic communications and invitations going forward, please join 우리의 메일 링리스트 월간 제공 업체 뉴스 레터 ValueAdded를 포함한 최신 업데이트를 수신합니다.

Carelon wants to provide you with information on local resources, give you tips and answer some common questions. These resources may be helpful to you.

아이들을 안전하게 지키십시오 – 아동 학대 핫라인 
1-800-932-0313 TTY 1-866-872-1677

PA 아동 복지 정보 솔루션
1-800-932-0313 TTY 1-866-872-1677

전국 가정 폭력 핫라인 
1-800-799-7233 TTY 1-800-787-3224



펜실베니아 보건국




  • Psych Hub COVID-19 정신 건강 자료 – Carelon has collaborated with Psych Hub, mental health advocates and others to develop a free digital resource site to help individuals and care providers address behavioral health needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic

약물 남용 및 정신 건강 서비스 관리 (SAMHSA)

행동 건강을위한 전국위원회 (BH) 

약물 및 알코올 프로그램과


마약 단속 국

미국 법무부 펜실베니아 서부 지구


Carelon recognizes the hard work our providers have given for extraordinary work in these trying times. Below are photos and videos showing your experiences and how you’ve continued to persevere through this pandemic with all its challenges. If you or your organization would like to be included in a photo essay telling the story of COVID-19 from a provider perspective, please send your photo(s)/videos to 제출자로 이름 / 조직을 포함하고 사진을 간략하게 설명합니다. 우리가 그들의 기밀을 존중할 수 있도록 당신이 봉사하는 사람들의 사진을 포함하지 마십시오. 여러분의 제출물을보고 여러분이하는 모든 일을 축하하기를 기대합니다!