

It is the policy of Carelon to ensure that members are treated in a manner that respects their rights and responsibilities as members. Providers are required to inform Carelon members under their care of these rights and responsibilities. Member rights and responsibilities must be either distributed directly to the members or posted in an area visible to them. To obtain a copy of the 会员手册,请拨打免费提供商热线 877-615-8503。

As stated in the Carelon 会员手册、成员、他们的家庭成员和/或法定监护人有权:

  1. 受到有尊严和尊重的对待;
  2. 将他们的医疗记录和与服务提供者的谈话保密;
  3. 参与有关他们的护理的决定,包括拒绝治疗的权利;
  4. 接收有关可用治疗方案和替代方法的信息;
  5. 解释治疗计划和可能的风险;
  6. 帮助制定治疗计划;
  7. 要求改变治疗计划;
  8. 在被用作胁迫、纪律、便利或报复手段的治疗期间,不得受到任何形式的约束或隔离;
  9. 从 HealthChoices 计划提供者列表中选择一个提供者;
  10. 从他们的提供者那里索取他们的医疗记录副本;
  11. 查看他们的医疗记录并与他们的提供者讨论;
  12. 改变他们的提供者;
  13. 向他们的提供者或任何帮助他们的人询问他或她的资格;
  14. Request a copy of information maintained by Carelon (Carelon information may include claims and authorization information, complaints, referrals, disclosures and other documented contact they or their provider have had with us.);
  15. Request to amend the Carelon information listed above in order to correct any errors (The decision to make an amendment is made by the Carelon Medical Director.);
  16. 接受服务,不分种族、肤色、宗教、性别、性取向、年龄或民族背景;
  17. 就他们的护理或他们获得的服务提出投诉或申诉;
  18. 寻求监察员的帮助以帮助提出投诉或申诉;
  19. 与消费者满意度团队 (CST) 工作人员讨论他们的服务质量;
  20. 寻求倡导者的帮助;
  21. 索取医疗必要性标准的副本;
  22. Freely exercise their rights, and that exercising those rights will not affect how they are treated by their provider or Carelon.

会员手册 成员国、其家庭成员和/或法定监护人还负责:

  • 以尊严和尊重的态度对待给予他们关怀的人;
  • 向他们的提供者提供他或她更好地为他们服务所需的信息;
  • 帮助他们的提供者了解他们的健康问题;
  • 与他们的提供者合作,帮助制定治疗计划;
  • 询问他们的提供者问题,以便他们了解他们的治疗计划;
  • 遵循他们制定并与提供者商定的治疗计划;
  • 与他们的提供者保持约会;
  • 联系他们的提供者取消或重新安排约会;
  • 如果他们决定停止治疗,通知他们的提供者;
  • 如果他们搬家或更改地址/电话号码,请通知他们的会员和提供商服务代表。