- 介绍
Carelon’s Online Provider Services are designed to give providers easy access to eligibility inquiry, claims status inquiry, electronic claims submission, and provider summary vouchers. These services are provided at no cost to our network providers. Providers can electronically submit claims to our system via a direct, secured modem connection or submit outpatient claims through ProviderConnect, our VeriSign™ secure Internet website. To access ProviderConnect, visit https://pa.carelon.com/providers.要获取用户 ID,请单击注册,填写所需表格,然后单击“提交”。
Users with questions regarding Carelon’s Online Provider Services may review the information on this website. Choose “For Providers”, then “ProviderConnect”, then “Log In”. Providers may also contact our e-Support Services Help Line at 888-247-9311, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm Eastern Time or via e-mail at
e-supportservices@carelon.com. - 可用性要点
可用性要点 是一个安全的一站式自助理赔门户。
Beginning on March 1, 2022, Availity Essentials becomes the preferred multi-payer portal of choice for submitting the following transactions to Carelon:
- 使用可用性 EDI 网关的索赔提交(直接数据输入专业和设施索赔)应用程序或 EDI
- 资格和福利
- 索赔状态
- 网上优势
Authorized providers can check eligibility and submit and track claims using Online Services. Questions regarding claims payment or eligibility that are not answered through Online Services should be addressed with the Carelon Engagement Center.
- 成为在线用户
- 在线提供者服务 账户申请表
This form authorizes Carelon to receive and process claims electronically and certifies that claims will comply with all laws, rules and regulations governing your contract with Carelon. Providers who wish to have inquiry-only access to our system for the purpose of conducting eligibility inquiries and claim status inquiries must also submit this form. 所有在线服务用户都必须填写此表格。
- 在线提供商服务 中介授权表
该表格授权外部实体(例如,开票代理或票据交换所)代表提供商提出索赔。 仅当提供商使用开票代理机构,票据交换所或其他第三方的服务时,才必须填写此表格。
Upon validation of your information, we will provide a User ID and password for Carelon Online Services. This usually takes one to three business days.
- 在线提供者服务 账户申请表
- 发票类型:电子索赔提交
Carelon currently accepts the two primary invoice types for electronic claims submission: the HIPAA compliant 837 Professional and Institutional. Only invoices billed electronically in the HIPAA Standard Transaction and Code Sets format will be accepted.
If you are using Carelon’s EDI Claims Link for Windows software, the file will automatically be created in our defined layout for each of these invoices.
如果您将使用自己的软件来创建索赔文件,请参阅 HIPAA 837(专业或机构)实施指南
这 Carelon’s 837 Companion Guide,应与《实施指南》结合使用。
- 文件提交要求
在Windows上使用EDI声明链接® (Carelon’s proprietary software) requires less testing. This software meets Carelon electronic claim file format requirements. The only testing that may be necessary is to ensure data accuracy and the transfer of claims data through the process. We strongly suggest that you limit your first few files to just a few claims in the event that you’ve entered inaccurate data that does not pass the verification process.
If you will be creating HIPAA compliant claim files using any program other than Carelon EDI Claims Link for Windows®,您必须先提交测试文件,然后才能发送生产声明数据。该测试提交将通过我们的文件格式验证程序运行。该程序根据格式规范验证您的文件提交。在尝试发送测试文件之前,您必须获取您的测试用户ID和密码。您的测试文件必须包含您的测试用户ID,才能被接受进行测试。成功完成测试后,电子支持服务将激活您的生产用户ID。
Production files may be submitted to Carelon seven days per week, 24 hours per day unless system downtime is reported on our Web site. Carelon periodically takes the system down for maintenance and notifies users in advance whenever possible.
- 文件提交清单
- 您的用户名和密码
- 索赔总数
- 每个档案中的总费用
- 提交文件的方法
There are two ways to submit files to Carelon:
如果您使用的浏览器具有支持128位加密的适当安全级别(例如Internet Explorer 5.01或更高版本),则文件可能会提交到我们的Internet网站。只需使用分配的用户ID和密码登录。
- Carelon’s Electronic Claim Submission Policies
- Carelon will only accept files for processing that meet the file format specifications as outlined in the HIPAA 837 Implementation Guide. The Carelon 837 Companion Guide 补充,但不替代或抵触实施指南中的任何要求。
- 满足本手册中概述的所有要求。
- 提供者,其代理商或受让人的授权代表可要求提供文件,以确保满足所有要求。
- 任何适用的地方,州和/或联邦监管机构都可以要求提供用于通过电子方式向索赔开具帐单的实际信息。如此获得的所有信息将根据适用的地方,州和/或联邦法律和法规保密。
- The provider for whom claims are submitted is ultimately responsible for the accuracy and validity of all such claims submitted for payment consideration. Any provider utilizing the services of a third-party entity to report claim information must be in compliance with all local, state, and federal policies and regulations. Both the provider and the third-party entity are required to maintain a record of all services submitted to Carelon for payment consideration.
- 由提供商或第三方实体的计费/会计系统收集并保存在其中的任何客户/患者信息,必须符合所有适用的当地,州和联邦机密法律,政策和法规。
- Carelon retains the right to return, reject, or disallow any claim, group of claims or claims files received via the Carelon System pending that claim, group of claims, or claims files correction is in compliance with the file format requirements as stated in the documents cited in Item 1 above.
- 提供商在任何时间段内只能使用一种发票类型的第三方实体。不允许通过多个计费机构,票据交换所或其他第三方实体以相同的发票类型进行电子计费。如果提供商更改了计费实体,则必须通知电子支持服务。
- 结算代理机构,票据交换所或其他第三方实体必须确保“中介授权表对于由所述代理提交的任何文件中包含的每个提供者,都有“”字样。
- 系统上传处理
Instructions for uploading electronic claims files to Carelon may be found in the EDI Claims Link for Windows® 3.0版用户手册。电子支持服务也可用于提供有关上传过程的信息和/或回答有关我们软件的问题。
- 直接索偿
- 索偿状态查询
For security and confidentiality reasons, Carelon validates the “pay-to” provider ID associated with the user ID. This information is captured when you request a user ID for Online Services. If you receive a new provider ID from Carelon, please contact e-Support Services to ensure your provider ID is updated for Online Services. Users with more than one “pay-to” provider ID will be required to provide all provider IDs.
- 资格查询
- 联系我们
电话:1-800-282-4548,周一至周五,美国东部标准时间上午 8 点至晚上 8 点
网站: https://www.availity.com/EDI服务台:
电子邮件: e-supportservices@carelon.com
在线提供者服务 账户申请表